Trip to the Central Library

This week the intermediate, pre-intermediate and upper-intermediate classes went to the newly reopened Central Library in St Peter’s Square.

The refurbished building looks amazing as you walk up to it and the new ground floor is really modern and welcoming. There is a café, comfortable places to sit and a hi-tech light sculpture in the middle – much different than before!

The lending library is in the basement and the new town hall extension. This is where you can go to borrow books. They have everything from crime to medicine to community languages! You can also borrow CDs and DVDs.

Another fantastic thing about the central library is the computers and workspaces. You can use the library computers for free for one hour each day, and there is unlimited free wifi if you want to bring your laptop or tablet. The first floor has an enormous study area under an amazing domed roof with lots of desks for you to work quietly. Outside the study area is the music library with keyboards and even an electric drum kit!

All the staff are really helpful at the library and they all wear library tags and lanyards around their neck. Also look out for the information desks all around the library.

If you would like to borrow books, all you need is something with your name and Manchester address on. You can enter your details in a computer in the library or on the central library website ( , then just give your letter to the information desk on the ground floor.

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Murray House, 85 Piccadilly,
M1 2DA,
United Kingdom


+44 (0)161 235 8480
